MORE ACTIVATION CODES STARTING TODAY. We've heard you, Step Community.

24 Oct 2022, 12:02
📣 MORE ACTIVATION CODES STARTING TODAY We’ve heard you, Step Community! At Step HQ, we are happy to see such a strong interest in the beta from our Pioneers. As you know, we have distributed activation codes at an initial slow pace to learn and adapt. Of course, we do understand that this leaves some people disappointed not to get codes in time, and we thank you for sticking by us. And to our stakers, keep reading as well 👇 Now with the first thousands of Steppers onboarded and active on the beta, we are moving into the NEXT PHASE OF ACTIVATION. Starting today: - Increase in activation codes to almost 3,500 codes per week - more than a doubling compared to the previous weeks (codes are distributed hourly in our Discord and Telegram) - Increase in the amount of iOS users allowed on the Testflight to 3,500 per week (download links: ) And a NOTE TO OUR COMMITTED STAKERS: we have not forgotten about you! Start of next week, we will send ALL our whitelisted stakers an email with activation codes exclusively for you. As well as some pre-reserved spots on the iOS Testflight. Keep an eye on your inbox. 📬 Twitter - Chat - News - Discord - Web